Healing Arts



AromaTherapy is one of the most ancient healing arts.

The use of pure essential oils from plants dates back many centuries, and the history of aroma therapy is in many ways part of the history of herbal medicine as a whole. The Arabic countries are credited with first discovering the process of distillation of oils, around a thousand years ago. The antiseptic powers of essential oils were used to stop the putrefaction of corpses in the mummification process.

The Greeks, too used plant essences - for aromatic bath and scented massages, as well as for healing wounds. Modern research has conformed the therapeutic effect of essential oils. At Milan University, for example, depression and anxiety have been successfully treated by Dr.Paolo Revesti, using aerosol-sprayed oils, and in the USSR a type of eucalyptus oil has been found beneficial in the treatment of a strain of influenza - an important finding, since very few natural anti-viral agents have been identified Like vitamins and minerals, many essential oils are taken up selectively by different organs of the body.

You can test this for yourself by rubbing the soles of your feet with a cut garlic clove, then smelling your breath a few hours later. The first time you visit the aroma therapist, he or she will want to find out about your diet,lifestyle, and present symptoms, your past illnesses and treatments, in order to establish a basis for diagnosis. Some therapists use the pendulum to find the right oil. Once your particular remedy is chosen, a few drops of the oil are either massaged into skin (maximum of 20 drops per 100 ml of base oil), inhaled, or added to a hot bath (place 6 drops on the surface of the bath water just before entering).

Essential oils are very concentrated: add a drop at a time and only use the amounts suggested. Do not use an oil on a daily basis for more than 10 days. Do not inhale or mix too many oils together at one time. Two oils will be the best.

Essential Oils and their applications

  • Calming and Relaxing oils:
    • Bergamot: Soothing, also a good room deodorizer. Blends well with all citrus, geranium, lavender.
    • Chamomile-Roman: Calming and Balancing relieves anger, fear, hysteria. Blends well with patchouli, lavender, jasmine, geranium.
    • Frankincense: Calming and uplifting. Blends well with citrus, sandalwood, neroli.
    • Geranium: Balancing and refreshing: Blends with Bergamot, lemon, orange, clary sage, jasmine, lavender, neroli, patchouli.
    • Jasmine: Balancing, comforting, Inspirational. Blends well with clary sage, nero, ylang, patchouli, rose, sandalwood.
    • Lavender: Cleansing, relaxing. Blends well with eucalyptus, geranium, jasmine, ylang ylang, citrus, rose, neroli.
    • Mandarin: Uplifting, soothing. Blends with citrus, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, lavender, patchouli, rose, ylang ylang,
    • Neroli: Sensual, sedating. Blends with clary sage, frankincense, patchouli, rose, lemon, geranium, sandalwood, ylang ylang.
    • Patchouli: Cleansing, sensual. Blends with frankincense, rose, ylang ylang orange, jasmine.
    • Rose: Balancing, romantic, calming. Blends with frankincense, geranium, jasmine, neroli, patchouli, sandalwood.
    • Tangerine: To sooth and calm nerves, relieve anxiety. Blends well with nutmeg, clove bud, lemon, neroli, bergamot, liime orange and grapefruit.
    • Vetiver: restful, to relieve melencholy, Blends with sandalwood,  ylang, clary sage, lavender and patchouli.
  • Stimulating Essential Oils:
    • Basil: Brighten mood, uplifting stimulating, stimulates mental clarity.
    • Cinnamon: Stimulant, Aids in digestion. Blends well with orange, ylang, clove, lavender and nutmeg.
    • Clove bud: For colds and flu, relieves fatigue, stimulates.  Blends well with ylang, clary sage, bay laural, bergamot.
    • Eucalyptus: Stimulant, cooling, refreshing, clearing. Blends well with geranium, lemon, rosemary, lavender, peppermint.
    • Lemon: Mental Focus, stimulant for the thinking processes. Blends well with lavender, neroli, grapefruit, rose, sandalwood, geranium, eucalyptus, orange and rosemary.
    • Lime: Purify the air, uplifting and cheering the spirit, helps with colds and flu symptoms, for alertness. Blends well - with neroli, clary sage, lavender and other citrus
    • Myrrh: Use to fight emotional coldness, apathy, lack of will. Blends well with sandalwood, cypress, juniper, geranium, patchouli, lavender and pine.
    • Peppermint: Stimulant, coolant. Blends well with grapefruit, lavender, eucalyptus, lemon and rosemary.
    • Rosemary: Stimulant for mental focus. Blends well with lavender, orange, lemon, peppermint, grapefruit.
  • Uplifting, Purifying and Cleansing Essential Oils
    • Eucalyptus: Stimulant, cooling, refreshing, clearing. Blends well with geranium, lLemon, rosemary, lavender, peppermint.
    • Grapefruit: Uplifting, purifying. Blends well with Citrus, Geranium, Lavender, neroli, Rosemary, Eucalyptus.
    • Lime: Purify the air, uplifting and cheering the spirit, helps with colds and flu symptoms, for alertness. Blends well with neroli, clary sage, lavender and other citrus.
    • Tea Tree: Cleansing, Sanitizing, eases sore throat. Blend with lLavender, clove, marjoram, rosemary, pine, clary, sage, geranium.
    • Vanilla: Uplifting, sensual warm, purifying. Blends well with chamomile, benzoin, clove jasmine, lavender, ylang, sandalwood.
  • Stress Relief
    • Bay: Relieves melancholy and nervous exhaustion.  For indecision and doubt, helps find direction. Blends well with lavender, ylang, geranium.
    • Helichrysum: Releiving grief, addiction, emotional blocks, panic, burnout and over-sensitivity. Blends well with lavender, geranium, clary sage, chamomile, clove bud.
    • Lemongrass: Acts as a sedative of the central nervous system. For headaches, nervous exhaustion and other stress related problems. Blends well with vetvier,  palmarosa.
    • Marjoram: Warm and spicy. relax tense muscles,  Calm and promote restful sleep. Ease migraine headache. Blends well with lavender, eucalyptus, cedarwood, cypress, chamomile, bergamot.
    • Coriander: Spicy, sweet and fragrant. For help with sleep and nervous exhaustion.  Blends well with  clary sage, ginger, bergamot, cypress, pine,  jasmine, neroli and sandalwood.
    • Cypress: To relieve nervous tension and other stress related problems, Used by Tibetans for purification. Blends well with cedarwood, pine, lavender, clary sage, lemo, juniper, bergamot, orange, marjoram or sandalwood.
  • Suggestions for Specific Condition
    • Coughing - eucalyptus, lavender, marjoram.
    • Decongestants - eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender.
    • Fatigue - peppermint, basil, rosemary. Sadness/grief - marjoram, rose, sandalwood, chamomile, grapefruit, lemon, neroli.
    • Headache - lavender, rosemary.
    • Stress Reduction - bergamot, chamomile, neroli, lavender, clary sage, jasmine.
    • Mood stabilization -chamomile, clary sage, marjoram, sandalwood, ylang.
    • Mental Alertness - basil, pepperment, rosa rugosa, lemon, cypress
    • Stimulant/physical - eucalyptus, basil, peppermint, rosemary, grapefuruit, lemon, ginger.
    • Insomnia chamomile, clary sage, bergamot.



The relaxation session


Just imagine for a moment that you're lying on the coast of the ocean.

Splash wave washes your feet, the beautiful blue sky shine bright candent  sun, and you're lying on the coast of the ocean and no foreign sounds bothering you.

Only you and unusual blue sky, you and bright candent orange sun, you and amazing blue water.

And you're lying on the cost of the ocean and external minds doesn't disturb you.

Only you and amazing blue water, you and unusual blue sky, only you and bright candent orange sun.

Here is another wave rebound on your feet, lave them and took away all obnoxious sensation of your body far away to the ocean.

And you're lying down on the cost of the ocean and nothing whatsoever disturb you. Only you and the ocean, you and bright blue sky, you and beautiful orange sun.

Look on this amazing Dolphin couple. They so relax, so in love. They talking about something, inhale together with you this heavenly flavor of the amazing cool water, bright blue sky and wonderful candent orange sun. And you feel even better.

Here's another wave rolled washed your feet and took away into the sea all the unplesant sensations from your body, and one more, and more....And you are lying down on the cost of the ocean and nothing whatsoever disturb you. Only you and ocean, you and pleasant blue sky, you and brightly red-hot sky. Inhale this colors, sounds, vibrations and fragrances, you inhale health, vivacity and well-being.

Do read this meditation few times, than close your eyes to listen to the playful sounds of splashing water and try to delude with this sounds of ocean. It is not see on the beginning, but you will get a lot of benefits letter on.

Do it for 10-15 minutes. On the count three open your eyes. And you will feel so different. This simple meditation could help you with a lot of problems: some of pain will be go on, you could improve your digestive system, endocrine system, nervous system, upper respiratory system even circulatory system, normalized the blood pressure, improves sleeping

Using the water therapy in my life a lot. Water very good accepts information. Based on this quality, it's a big possibility to use for healing different health problems.

Auricula Therapy

To all my friends and friends of their friends.

We’re all so stressed this days and you are probably know that stress is lowering our immune system…

Long time ago when I was diagnosed with the heart condition, and it was a stress related condition, my doctor told me that I could die. I didn’t like that verdict and went to study holistic medicine.

One of the class was the auriculotherapy, acupressure on the ears, similar to acupuncture, just without the needles.

I would like to share with you some information from that course.

I am going to show you only one point from that class and teach how to use it.

It’s not only relaxing but it’s also bringing up our immune system, it’s what we all need those days.

Let’s started, but before we’ll do that please drink 0.5-1 cup of warm water 30 min before it:
  1. Inhale (tummy is going out), exhale (tummy in) and hold it as much it’s comfortable (repeat 10 times),
    It’s improving blood circulation, helping the cardio-vascular system and getting more oxygen to the lungs.
  2. Normal breathing, push the point on the both ears, at the same time with the index fingers (it will close the ear ways, if you are doing correctly) and shake it for 2 minutes. Repeat 5-6 times daily, see the image with the point below

This exercise will bring the energy and immune system up. Do not do the point before you are going to sleep. 

 Please tried, you have nothing to loose. 

Be blessed.

Fruits - Veggies Therapy

Food as Medicine, Medicine as Food


  • Grapes high in pectin and bioflavonoids. A fair source if iron, potassium, and vitamin C. A low-calorie sweet snack and dessert.
  • Grapes juice is good for: anemia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, changes in metabolism, stomach-, gallbladder-, kidney problems.
  • Liquor fresh leaves - 1/3 glass 15-20 min before meal.
  • Liquor fresh leaves - for tonsillitis (gargle).
  • Fresh leaves - for an infected wound and ulcer (topical).
  • Contraindication: diabetes, chronic lungs problem, overweight, diarrhea, heart failure


    Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Mulberries, and similar small fruits that grow on a bush or small tree fit the popular notion of berries.

    • Blackcurrant berries - for arteriosclerosis, anemia, arrhythmia, rheumatism, UTI, kidney problems, infection disease, cold.
    • Blackcurrant juice - stomach-bowel problems, gum disease (1/4 glass 15-20 min before meal).
    • Blackcurrant juice with honey (3:1) - for cold, cough, laryngitis ( 2 Tsp 3-4 times a day).
    • Infusion dry berries leaves - UTI and kidney stones ( 1/2 glass 4 times a day)
    • Raspberry - arteriosclerosis, anemia, stomach-bowel problems, fever.
  • Tea with dry berries:
    flu, tonsillitis, cold.
  • Infusion dry leaves:
    neurasthenia, upper respiratory problems, diarrhea, dermatology problems, internal stomach bleeding,
    - 1/3 glass 15-20 min (before meal) - For tonsillitis, gum and throat problems (gargle).
  • Infusion flowers - for erysipelas, acne.
  • Contraindication: kidney problems, gout.


    When the first warm days of spring relieve the winter chill, the buds of the apricot trees begin to stir. The little white or shell-pink blossoms begin to cover the bare twigs of the tree long before most other fruit trees have blossomed. Tiny leaves appear soon after the flowers.

    • Apricot juice is good for anemia, heart problems, pregnancy (1/2 glass 2 times a day).
    • Fresh apricots - for sunburn, mask (as a topic for the face).
    • Dry apricot - heart problems.


    Because of the apple's fine qualities, it is sometimes called the "king of fruits". Apples are low in calories; a medium-size(5 ounces)piece of fruit has only 90 calories, are high in  soluble fibers that help lower cholesterol. Another type of soluble fiber in apple absorbs large amounts of water from the intestinal tract, which helps prevent constipation. The skin dose contain small amounts of beta carotene; the flesh adds some potassium and iron. Fructose, the sugar that occurs naturally in the apples, is absorbed into the bloodstream more slowly than  sucrose thus, diabetics can enjoy an apple without worrying that their glucose levels in blood will increase. Apples have long been called natures toothbrush; while they don't  actually cleanse the teeth, they still enhance dental hygiene. Biting and chewing an apple stimulates the gums, and the sweetens of the apple  prompts an increased flow of saliva, which reduces tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria in the mouth.

    • Apple juice - arteriosclerosis, hypertension , overweight, gallbladder problems (1/2 glass 15-20 min before meal).
    • Sour fresh apples - for stomach problems (low acid), constipation.
    • Sweet fruit apple - for stomach problems (high acid), ulcer.
    • 2-3 mash apples - GI problems with diarrhea (3-4 times a day 30-40 min. before meal)
    • Graze fresh apples with butter (1:1)
    • - for healing scratch.
      Graze fresh apples - frostbite, wound healing, burn.
    • Apples liquor - kidney stones, gout ( 1/2 glass, 2-3 times day)
      Tea with apples skin- overweight, sedative resource ( 1 glass 2 times a day).
      Infusion dry apples leaves- cold, horse voice (1/2 glass every 2-3 hr., hot)


    Plums and prunes play very important part in our health. A rich source of vitamin A. High in B and E vitamins, potassium, and iron. Help to relieve constipation.

    • Juice with plum flesh - for GI problems, kidney problems, gout, constipation ( 1/2 glass 20-30 min. before meal).


    Good for GI problems:
    • Cherry juice - anemia, disturbance digestion, constipation (1/2 glass 2-3 times a day)
    • Cherry flowers infusion - for URI ( 1/2 glass 2-3 times a day).


    Garlic is an excellent remedy for painful digestion or flatulence. Add 3 drops to an eggcup of Soy oil and rub the mixture gently in to your stomach after a meal, also it is antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-thrombosis.

    • Raw garlic is a very good for the early stage of cold ( eat 3-4 raw cloves a day).It's very good source for heart and cholesterol problems.


    Onions become more and more popular in alternative medicine is a good source of poly vitamins, does help people with digestive problems, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, lowered cholesterol. (0-20 drops 3-4 times  a day for 3-4 weeks) and sugar in the blood, fight infections. (0.5 onion juice 0.5 honey helps with bronchitis. In "folk" medicine people using as a diuretic, bronchitis. (20-30 drops 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks.)


    Lemon is good source of vitamin C, brings  up immune system, helps fight UTI. If you bind a fresh slice of lemon round the corn and leave it on overnight, repeat this treatment nightly. The corn should  soften and eventually disappear.

    Citrus fruits is the best modern "folk" remedies for colds (6 glasses of fresh citrus juice a day, or eat 2-3 large oranges).

    Corn silk

    (Zea mays) A standard infusion of corn silk soothes the symptoms of cystitis and kidney stones. This is an excellent healing medicine, soothing inflamed tissues, and acting as a diuretic. You may drink it freely.


    Kidney problems, urinary tract problems, overweight (it is a natural diuretic).


    Contains a lot of minerals, also very high in vitamin C. Because sweet pepper is a good source of vitamins it is very good for people with anemia, gall bladder problems

    Contraindication - ulcer problems, chronic gastritis, enteritis's, chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis.


    Bananas is a good source of potassium, foliate, and vitamins C and B6. Patients taking diuretic drugs for high blood pressure are usually advised to eat two or three bananas a day to help replace the potassium lost  in the urine.


    Carrots is a poly-vitamin, which is high in carotene and vitamin A. It's very important for people with thyroid problems, kidney and liver stones, dermatology problems, frost bite, burning conditions, infected wounds. It's used for preventive and healing actions for people with arteriosclerosis, to lowered cholesterol.

    • Carrot juice - helps people recover after a heart attack.

    Interesting presentation:

    Apple cider vinegar (MS Word)

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