Monday, August 30, 2021

Burdock benefits

Burdock is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family and is popularly known as Actium. The plant has a large heart-shaped leaf with a very coarse texture. The plane is harvested and flowering is usually observed just after the monsoons, till October. However, the flowers have prickly heads and it is actually the roots that are used during the oil extraction. The roots are crisp, sweet and carry a mild taste just the artichoke. The flowers are edible only if they are still tender and should be collected before spring while they are still very young. The stalks are edible as well and are eaten both raw and after cooking.

What is burdock oil?

This oil is also known as Burl Oil and is extracted from the leaves and the roots of the burdock plant. The oil is known to have both medicinal and cosmetic benefits. It has also been commonly used in food and drinks since ancient times, though rather as a medicinal component than as a flavoring. This oil is a highly effective diaphoretic, diuretic and helps in blood purification. 

However, recently, they have found more popular use in scalp treatment.
For scalp treatment, it is generally combined with some other type of oil such as olive oil using the cold extraction process. This process ensures that the nutrients in the oil are distributed evenly over the scalp. The other variant of the Burdock oil is the burdock seed oil and has a relatively lower percentage of essential fatty acids.

How is it obtained?

There are a lot of different recipes for the extraction of this oil. One of the easiest methods is to first chop up the burdock roots into small pieces and smash them into a pulp. You may use mortar and pestle if that helps. However, make sure that the flesh has been sufficiently exposed. Leave this to dry in the sun till it has lost all the excess moisture in it.

When the smashed roots are sufficiently dried, they are highly concentrated with oils and nutrients. Now you can put them back into a glass jar and add some good quality vegetable oil over it. Close the lid tight and leave the jar undisturbed for a few weeks. However, make sure that you regularly bring out the mixture in the air to prevent the buildup of gas inside the jar.

Burdock oil composition

The roots and the leaves are the main components used in the oil extraction. Both these parts are very rich in chemicals such as glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, volatile oil, polyacetylenes, inulin, mucilage, resin, alkaloids, phytosterols, caffeic acid derivatives and essential oils. The oils contain up to 45 percent inulin and have high quantities of polyacetylenes which help in fighting bacteria and fungi. Apart from that, they are also very rich in vitamins A, B2, and fatty acids.

Uses of burdock oil

Almost every part of the burdock plant is considered to have medicinal properties and is used both in the raw form and added to food items. Burdock oil is very effective in treating skin problems such as acne. It is also added to beverages to gain relief from joint problems. 
The oil helps in healing when applied to cuts and burns. In a few countries such as Japan, this very oil is increasingly used in cosmetic marketed in the stores. The oil is also very effective in maintaining a healthy scalp health. Massaging the scalp three times a day can deliver amazing results in a very short amount of time. The oil provides the much-needed nutrition to the hair follicles and deeply conditions the sebaceous glands, preventing and reversing dryness.

Other uses for burdock oil have been highlighted below

  • It is a very popular ingredient in the manufacturing of soft drinks, especially in the UK
  • Adding a few drops of oil to the regular hand moisturizer can increase the effectiveness of the lotion
  • You can place cotton soaked in oil over cuts and burns for a faster healing
  • Adding a few drops of the oil to the bath water helps in relaxing
  • You could also put a few drops in a diffuser and let it soak through the air. this helps in fighting stuffiness and congestion
  • Adding a few drops of the oil to your regular shampoo bottle makes the hair cleaner and healthier in a very effortless manner
  • Taking a cold compress with Burdock oil helps in providing quick relief from fever
  • Applying a warm mixture of burdock and olive oil before shampooing helps to naturally condition the hair

Benefits of using burdock oil

1. Helps cure acne and eczema
  • It is the magic ingredient when it comes to treating skin conditions. the oil is known to be very effective in treating acne and psoriasis. Due to a high content of polyacetylenes, the oils have natural antibiotic and antifungal properties, thus helping you fight the streptococcus bacteria that cause acne. It is also used in the treatment of eczema, fungal diseases such as candida and also helps in improving skin complexion to a certain extent. The oil can be added to drinks or applied directly over the skin.
2. Hair growth
  • This is one of the areas that find the popular use of Burdock oil. Massaging the scalp with this oil helps in improving blood circulation and thus promotes healthy hair growth. The oil is very rich in fatty acids and phytosterols and helps relieve irritation and various other scalp disorders like dandruff and dry hair. You can apply a mixture of burdock and olive oil to the roots and also add a few drops to your shampoo bottle.
3. Helps maintain blood sugar
  • If you have been troubled by diabetes, it can be the best and the safest solution for you. It has been known to have blood sugar lowering effects by strictly regulating the absorption of blood sugar into the bloodstream.
4. Helps in protecting the liver
  • Burdock oil helps the body to filter out excess wastes from the blood, thus eliminating the risk for toxin builds up in the body. This is because the burdock root oil helps the liver to produ8ce more of the bile, which plays a key role in eliminating toxins from the body. Bile is also a digestive juice and assists in a smooth digestion. It can even be highly effective for those people who have suffered liver damage to a great extent due to the use of excess alcohol.
5. Helps in better functioning of the kidney
  • Burdock oil enhances the diuretic action of the kidney. It helps the kidneys to absorb more water from the blood leading to increased urine output. This can ultimately have a complete detoxifying property on the body and help in removing the excess toxins on a regular basis while also lowering the risk of formation f kidney stones.
6. Prevents cancer
  • Burdock root oil is known to have properties that contain the spreading of mutated cells, thus helping in controlling cancer and tumor. It does contain a compound known as the arctigenin which is known to have anti-cancer activities. However, the effectiveness of the compound depends on the type of cancer cells under consideration and may or may not be effective towards all the cancer tissues.
7. Arthritis
  • This oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is known to be helpful in reducing the swelling and joint pain associated with arthritis as well as other joint diseases like gout and sciatica.

How to make oil from burdock at home?

It is not very difficult to prepare this at home. First, chop up the dried burdock roots and smash them into fine pieces. Leave this to dry till the moisture has sufficiently evaporated. You can now put these dried roots into a jar and pour some olive oil from the top. Store this away for about six weeks and you will have your oil infusion ready for use. You should remember to bring the jar out in the sun regularly so as to prevent gas formation and bacterial growth.

Is it safe to use burdock oil?

Burdock oil is used for treating a number of internal and external ailments and finds popular use, especially in Asia. The plant is not associated to have triggered any type of health issues except in cases where the people are already intolerant or allergic towards certain other herbs including burdock. However, it is best to consult a physician before you start using this oil. Also, pregnant women should refrain from using this oil as it can increase bleeding after the surgeries.

Side effects and precautions

It has been known to sometimes have caused a rise in the blood sugar level of patients. You should also be careful while using the oil for therapeutic purposes as any slight imbalances can cause major skin allergies and electrolyte imbalance in the body. This oil also reacts with drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, warfarin, clopidogrel, and diclofenac. You should, therefore, be very careful if you are already on some other medications.


If used in the right manner, Burdock oil could be the answer to your physical as well as mental well being. The oil has versatile uses and is also very easy to use. You should, however, be careful about the does and consult a physician if you have been on any other side medications

Sunday, July 11, 2021


Крыжовник (Gooseberries) — многолетний кустарник, побеги которого содержат шипы в узлах. Хотя последнее время выведено множество сортов и гибридов без колючек.

Крыжовник — очень древнее растение, о нем люди знали с давних пор. В нашей стране он, вероятно, появился в 10 веке, хотя его выращивали монахи в монастырских садах еще раньше, но упоминания о времени не найдены.

В Европе он стал известен намного позже. Французы еще в 13 веке варили супы и соусы из крыжовника, но использовали только недозрелые ягоды. Англичане готовили гусей под вкуснейшим соусом из крыжовника. А немцы использовали кусты крыжовника для колючей изгороди.

Плод крыжовника — ложная ягода, продолговатая, округлая, белого, жёлтого, зелёного, красного и других различных цветов.

Ягоды крыжовника содержат в своем составе каротин и аскорбиновую кислоту, макро- и микроэлементы, биологически активные соединения – флаваны и антоцианы (в темно-красных ягодах до 750 мг/100 г антоцианов, в красных — до 300). Желтые плоды содержат много витамина Е.

Крыжовник – вкуснейшая ягода обладающая многими полезными свойствами. Целебные свойства ягод крыжовника применяются для улучшения работы кишечника.

В крыжовнике очень много калия, поэтому его применяют для устранения отеков. Народные целители широко применят крыжовник для лечения различных недугов: гиповитаминоза, дефицита меди, железа, фосфора.

В кулинарии ягоды крыжовника используют для приготовления варенья, джема, мармелада, компотов, вина и соков. Сок крыжовника получают из самых спелых и крупных ягод, которые предварительно протирают, добавляя воду, в соотношении 1:2. Этот сок употребляют, как освежающий напиток, который регулирует обмен веществ.

Крыжовник и его полезные свойства.

рекомендуется, как:

  • легкое слабительное, мочегонное и желчегонное, поэтому его применяют люди, страдающие заболеваниями печени и мочевого пузыря.
  • Сок крыжовника применяют при малокровии, если в него добавлять мед,
  • при частых кровоизлияниях,
  • кожных высыпаниях.
  • При употреблении сока крыжовника из организма выводятся соли тяжелых металлов и радионуклиды.
  • Ягоды крыжовника, если достаточно зрелые, обладают противоопухолевыми свойствами, так как в них, в больших количествах содержится серотонин.
  • Они укрепляют кровеносные сосуды,
  • оказывают кровоостанавливающее,
  • освежающее,
  • общеукрепляющее и
  • противовоспалительное действие.

Плоды крыжовника широко используются в лечебном питании при лечении заболеваний желудка ( хронические запоры и гастроэнтероколиты), при нарушении обмена веществ, потому что эти ягоды богаты пектином и натуральной клетчаткой. В свежем виде ягоды применяют при гиповитаминозах, ожирении, кровотечениях.

В крыжовнике содержится много витаминов РР, С, В1, а также калий, магний, каротин, медь, рутин, кальций. Кроме того, в этой ягоде много дубильных веществ.

Калорийность крыжовника — 44 калории, так как практически не содержит белков и жиров. На 85 % он состоит из воды.

Ягоды крыжовника рекомендуются при малокровии, повышенной проницаемости сосудов.

Все вещества, которые содержатся в крыжовнике, способствуют повышению иммунитета, защите организма человека от воздействия радиации и способствуют выведению радиоактивных веществ.

Крыжовник рекомендуется как желчегонное и мочегонное средство. Поэтому, в первом случае его используют при болезнях печени и желчного пузыря, а во втором — при болезнях почек и мочевого пузыря.

Крыжовник – это очень сочные и полезные ягоды. У них богатый питательный состав, что делает эти ягоды ценнейшим продуктом питания.

С их с помощью можно укрепить организм, предотвратить развитие различных болезней, а также просто полакомиться в жаркий день лета и утолив жажду.

В крыжовнике содержится большое количество витамина А или каротин, который очень нужен для укрепления зрения.

А витамины группы В, имеют отношение к различным функциям основных органов человека и оздаравливают весь наш организм, помогая бороться с различными болезнями и проблемами.

Крыжовник очень богат полезными для человеческого организма натуральными антиоксидантами, которые помогают предотвращать процессы старения организма.

Полезные вещества, которые содержатся в крыжовнике, защищают наш организм от образования раковых клеток. А так как крыжовник способствует улучшению обмена веществ, ягоды крыжовника (в свежем виде) используют для питания вразгрузочные дни или как лечебное питание при ожирении. 

Так как они обладают желчегонным и мочегонным действием, с его помощью можно улучшить функцию мочеполовой системы и предотвратить воспалительные заболевания почек, желчного и мочевого пузыря, различные инфекции этих органов.

Поскольку ягоды крыжовника содержат достаточное количество железа ифолиевой кислоты, они полезны при анемии и малокровии.

Ягоды крыжовника могут применяться для профилактики заболеваний сердечнососудистой системы:

  • инфаркт миокарда,
  • гипертония,
  • атеросклероз,
  • варикозное расширение вен,
  • и другие болезни сосудов.

А компоты и отвары из ягод крыжовника обладают такими полезными свойствами, которые очень полезны женщинам для избавления от проявлений, связанных с нарушениями менструального цикла, а также для нормализации уровня гормонов во время климакса.

Чтобы сделать компресс, необходимо смочить любую салфетку в свежевыжатом соке из стакана ягод, слегка отжать и наложить на предварительно очищенную кожу лицо на пятнадцать – двадцать минут, а затем протереть лицо влажным тампоном, и затем лицо просушить салфеткой. Повторять процедуру до двадцати раз, чередуя через день.

Для питания лица сок крыжовника разбавляют наполовину молоком, и накладывают салфетку, смоченную в этом растворе. Компресс наносится на 15 минут. Кожа лица получает питание.

На чувствительную кожу накладывают маску из сока крыжовника, с медом и творогом. Через 15 минут смыть водой.

Вот такая маленькая ягода, а сколько пользы!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Benefits of Zucchini

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" newspaper

Despite the fact that the zucchini contains a large percentage of water, it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. 

The vegetable is rich in vitamins B1, B2 and especially C. 100 grams of zucchini contains about 17% of the daily requirement for vitamin C.

Therefore, zucchini helps fight infections and maintains health.

There is a lot of potassium in zucchini, which has urinary and choleretic properties. This vegetable is especially useful for feeding people with urinary and bile retention and edema due to heart failure. This is a good prevention of exacerbations

Zucchini is a source of carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. Most of them are found in the skin of the fruit. They are necessary for the work of the visual analyzer and slow down age-related decline in vision

Due to its very low calorie content and excellent taste, zucchini is an indispensable component of diet for weight loss. This vegetable contains a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates. In young fruits, there is quite a little sugar, although there is also little carotene. But ripe yellow zucchini in carotene content can be compared with carrots.

Zucchini seeds are no less useful: they contain a lot of Omega-3, which is an essential fatty acid and enters the body only with food. Omega-3 affects the health of the whole body, especially the quality of the skin and hair.

Read an article in Russian

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Aloe Vera - Fact versus Fiction


Dr. Gus

Some products have just enough Aloe Vera in them - often just a few drops - to list it as an ingredient on the label and put the word "Aloe" in the name.  Other products are of a very high quality and worthy of consumer confidence.  How can you, the consumer, know the difference?

This article will help to provide you with the information that you need to be an educated consumer of Aloe Vera.

While it is true that properly grown, stabilized and manufactured Aloe Vera products - especially drinks - do provide a host of nutrients that the body requires, it is not true that Aloe Vera (or anything else for that matter) can "cure".  Only a functional immune system cures the body - speaking from a strictly physical perspective.

A good Aloe drink does; however, provide the immune system with the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. that it needs to function properly.

It should be noted that anybody who would rely on aloe alone is unwise.  Exercise, a proper diet including mostly fruit; vegetables; and grain, plenty of pure water, and a healthy lifestyle are all important factors in health maintenance.

Why an article on Aloe Vera?

There are a growing number of companies today selling products made from various parts of the Aloe Vera plant. With so many "experts" and companies making so many claims about aloe, it's difficult for the consumer to know which end is up.

Also, we live in a world where in medicines are constantly prescribed for the slightest ailments and new strains of virus and bacteria are increasingly becoming immune to our battles against them.  This is partly due to an over-medicated, drug defendant population. We are now paying the price.  (Of course, medicinal drugs ARE important and even life saving, when used with educated caution and under the supervision of your health care professional.)

It is, therefore, little wonder that people are seeking natural means, as well as traditional medicine, for the management and healing of illness and pain.  Certainly seeking such means that are provided as nature's gift to humankind is at once reasonable and intelligent - as long as one does not discard the valid and significant gains made by science in the fields of modern medicine and health studies.  Information in this article can help you make decisions that are right for you.

(This article is neither intended, nor qualified, as personal or general medical advice. When you have health concerns it is critical that you consult with your medical professional in-person.)

NEVER discontinue any prescribed medications without the knowledge and approval of your medical professional.  Check with your medical professional before taking any supplements for possible interactions with medications. 

The views and statements of doctors, publications, and researchers quoted or referenced in this article are for your consideration.

What is Aloe Vera?

There are over 250 different species of Aloe, growing mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America.

Although Aloe Vera is a member of the Lily family, it is very cactus-like in its characteristics. This unique plant also belongs to a larger plant family called "Xeroids". 

Of the 250+ species of Aloe, only four are recognized as being of nutritional value to humans and animals. Aloe barbadensis miller (Aloe Vera species) is the top of these four. Significantly the top.

Thus, any aloe-based product you use should be made from barbadensis miller species for the desired best results.

13 Ways Aloe Can Help

Alternative Medicine Magazine, The Voice of Alternative Medicine, issue 3/28/1999.

The Potted Physician

Known to herbalists and medical folklorists for centuries as the "medical plant" or "the potted physician", this cactus-like plant with green dagger-shaped leaves filled with a clear, viscous gel was brought from Africa to North America in the sixteenth century.

But long before this, aloe, whose name means "shining bitter substance," was widely regarded as a master healing plant. The ancient Egyptians referred to aloe as the "plant of immortality" and included it among the funerary gifts buried with the pharaohs. In recent decades, medical research has confirmed and extended many of the health claims for the shining bitter substance (used topically or consumed as a liquid) that is the heart of aloe. Here is a brief review of its merits.

Helps Heal Wounds

The bulk of the aloe leaf is filled with gel, 96% water with the other 4% containing 75 known substances. Applied to wounds, aloe gel is a mild anesthetic, relieving itching, swelling, and pain: it also is antibacterial and antifungal, increases blood flow to wounded areas, and stimulates fibroblasts, the skin cells responsible for wound healing.

An animal-based study in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association found that both oral and topical aloe preparations speed wound healing. Animals were given either aloe (100mg/kg body weight) in their drinking water for two months or 25% aloe vera cream applied directly to wounds for six days.

Aloe had positive effects in both cases. The size of wounds decreased 62% in the animals taking oral aloe compared to a 51% in the control group. Topical aloe produced a 51% decrease in wound size compared to a 33% in the control group.

Supports Surgical Recovery

Aloe decreases surgical recovery time, according to a report in the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology. Eighteen acne patients underwent facial dermabrasion surgery, in which lesions are scraped away. Dressings were applied to their faces, with half of each person's face receiving the standard dressing coated with surgical gel, and the other half with aloe added to this dressing. The half of the face treated with aloe healed approximately 72 hours faster than the other side.

Dermatologist James Fulton, M.D., of Newport Beach, California, principal author of the report, uses topical aloe in his practice to speed wound healing. "Any wound we treat, whether it's suturing a cut or removing a skin cancer, heals better with Aloe Vera on it," he states.

Soothes Burns

In a study in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 27 patients with moderate burn wounds were treated with a gauze coated in either aloe gel or Vaseline™ (petroleum jelly).  The burns healed more quickly in the aloe group, with an average healing time of 12 days compared to 18 days for the group using Vaseline.

Minimizes Frostbite Damage

A study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine established that aloe works for frostbite as well.  Researchers gave standard treatments for frostbite (antibiotics, ibuprofen, and re-warming) to 154 patients with mild to severe frostbite.  Of patients who additionally received Aloe Vera cream, 67.9% healed without any tissue loss (amputation) compared to 32.7% in the control group.  Researchers concluded that aloe prevented a decrease of blood flow to the frozen tissues, a common cause of tissue loss in frostbite.

Screens Out Radiation

Aloe protects against skin damage from X rays, according to researchers at Hoshi University in Japan publishing in the journal Yakugaku Zasshi.  They found that aloe was an effective antioxidant, mopping up the free radicals caused by radiation, and that it protected two of the body's healing substances, superoxide dismutase (an antioxidant enzyme) and glutathione (an amino acid which stimulates the immune system).

Heals Psoriasis Lesions

In a double blind, placebo-controlled study published in Tropical Medicine and International Health, 60 patients with chronic psoriasis were given a 0.5% Aloe Vera extract in a mineral oil crème.  The ointment was applied three times daily for five consecutive days (15 applications total per week) for four weeks.

When patients were checked after eight months, far more psoriasis skin lesions had healed in the aloe group (82.8%) than in the placebo group (7.7%).  Further, 83.3% of the aloe group was considered cured of their psoriasis compared to only 6.6% of the placebo group.

Eases Intestinal Problems

Aloe Vera juice can be effective for treating inflammatory bowel disease, according to a study in the Journal of Alternative Medicine.  Ten patients were given two ounces of aloe juice, three times daily, for seven days.  After one week, all patients were cured of diarrhea, four had improved bowel regularity, and three reported increased energy.

Researchers concluded that aloe was able to rebalance the intestines by "regulating gastrointestinal pH while improving gastrointestinal motility, increasing stool specific gravity, and reducing populations of certain fecal microorganisms, including yeast."  Other studies have shown that Aloe Vera juice helps to detoxify the bowel, neutralize stomach acidity, and relieve constipation and gastric ulcers.

Reduces Blood Sugar in Diabetes

Aloe reduced the blood sugar levels in diabetics, as reported in Hormone Research.  Five patients with adult (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes were given 1/2 teaspoon of aloe extract daily for up to 14 weeks.  Blood sugar levels were reduced in all patients by an average of 45%, with no change in their total weight.

Reduces Arthritic Swelling

Aloe can help prevent arthritis and reduce the inflammation in joints already affected by arthritis, according to the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association.  Aloe can also inhibit the autoimmune reaction associated with certain forms of arthritis, in which the body attacks its own tissues.

Animals were injected with a bacterium to cause arthritic symptoms, namely inflammation and swelling.  To determine if it could prevent arthritis, aloe (150mg/kg body weight) was injected under the skin daily for 13 days.  Physical measurements were taken daily to determine the amount of swelling and inflammation.

Several compounds from aloe showed antiarthritic activity, according to the researchers.  One organic acid in aloe reduced inflammation by 79.7% and suppressed the autoimmune response by 42.4%.  Another aloe compound (anthraquinone) reduced inflammation by 67.3% but had no effect on the autoimmune response.

Curtailing HIV Infection

An extract of mannose, one of the sugars in aloe, can inhibit HIV-1 (the virus associated with AIDS).  In a 1991 study in Molecular Biotherapy, HIV-1 cells were treated in vitro (outside the body) with a mannose extract.  Aloe slowed virus reproduction by as much as 30%, reduced viral load (total amount of the virus), suppressed the spread of the virus from infected cells, and increased the viability (chance of survival) of infected cells.

Nutritional Support for HIV Patients

Aloe Vera juice proved to be an effective part of a nutritional support program for HIV+ patients according to the Journal of Advancement in Medicine.  For four months, 29 patients were given 100% pure Aloe Vera juice (five ounces, four times daily) along with an essential fatty acid supplement and another supplement containing vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.  Patients were told to continue with their normal diet and not to take other supplements.

After 90 days, all of the patients had fewer occurrences of opportunistic infections, thrush, fatigue, and diarrhea, as well as increased white blood cell counts (meaning their immune systems were responding positively).  Their assessment of overall quality of health also improved.  In 25% of the patients, aloe apparently knocked out the virus's ability to reproduce.  Researchers found that aloe (the mannose extract and perhaps other compounds) stimulates the body's immune system, particularly T4 helper cells, white blood cells that activate the immune response to infection.

Stimulates Immune Response Against Cancer

Aloe may help prolong survival time and stimulate the immune system of cancer patients, according to recent research.

In a 1994 study in the Japanese medical journal Yakhak Hoeji, mice with cancerous tumors were given aloe orally for 14 days.  While the aloe did not suppress tumor growth, the average life span of the mice was prolonged by 22% for those given 50mg aloe/kg body weight and by 32% for those given 100mg/kg daily.  A simultaneous experiment on human cancer cells (outside the body) found that high doses of aloe significantly suppressed the growth of these cancer cells.

Researchers writing in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy found that a compound (lectin) from aloe, when injected directly into tumors, activated the immune system to attack the cancer.  Killer T cells, white blood cells that bind to invading cells and destroy them, began to attack the tumor cells injected with lectin.

Aloe turns on the immune system by activating macrophages (white blood cells which "swallow" antigens), causing the release of immune-activating (and anticancer) substances such as interferon, interleukines, and tumor necrosis factor.  In addition, aloe promotes the growth of normal (non-cancerous) cells, researchers said.

Benefits Lung Cancer

Aloe's protective effect was confirmed in a study of 673 lung cancer patients in Okinawa, Japan, published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research.  This survey looked at the connection between smoking, comparative amounts of 17 plant foods in the diet, and the occurrence of lung cancer over a five-year period.

Aloe was the only one of the plant foods that was protective against cancer. "The results of plant epidemiology suggests that aloe prevents human pulmonary carcinogenesis [lung cancer]," stated the researchers.  Further, aloe is "widely preventive or suppressive against various human cancers."